© Tobias Tschepe
Paul Hitter - malerei
studied at the ART ACADEMY MUNICH in the class of prof.nikolaus lang and prof. karin kneffel.
my painting is a mix of folf art - inspired by gypsy culture, jewish culture, romanian culture, slavic culture and pure expressionism.
my painting is a mix of folf art - inspired by gypsy culture, jewish culture, romanian culture, slavic culture and pure expressionism.
this is reunited under the title of " balkan expressionism ".
because i am coming from balkan ground, because balkan is encapturing such a variety of cultures, because balkan is a sort of modern jerusalem.
it is a mind blowing mix and you will probably either love or hate it. "
it is a mind blowing mix and you will probably either love or hate it. "
freitag, 30.3.2012 vernissage ab 19 uhr
© Elena Nazare
samstag, 1.4.2012 von 14 - 19 uhr
sonntag, 2.4.2012 von 14 - 19 uhr
karfreitag 6.4. und ostersonntag 8.4. 2012 von 14 - 19 uhr
bis 22.4.2012 nach vereinbarung
highlight am vernissageabend:
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